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December 13, 2023

Everything you need to know about Foundations at The Digital Circus

The Digital Circus has been a small business membership since its humble beginnings in June 2020. Born out of a place where we wanted to help as many small businesses as we could who were finding themselves standing still due to Covid lockdown, we decided to create a space where we could offer some low level support and training to help up skill business owners in digital skills and online visibility.

Fast forward to now and 3.5years later we have now supported over 200 small business owners in our very own virtual big top and over that time The Digital Circus has evolved massively. Not only is it a space to learn and grow your business online but we are now a bustling, supportive, collaborative community of people helping each other to be the very best that we can be. 

So what is changing with this business membership?

Since the very start we have always been an open door membership. We believed that if you are stuck and you need support that now is the time to take action. That being said, we've also recognised that now, with over 90hrs of learning sessions in our resources section in the membership, new members were coming in and feeling overwhelmed by all of the information at their fingertips.

We also identified that we have members within the Circus that have stayed with us since the very beginning and we have developed new sessions to help grow and stretch their capabilities. Having been with us from the start and having built and understood those foundation stones for their online visibility they have advanced. What we actually need to do is help to get our new starters to have a firm grasp of this too before moving them forward and more to their ever growing to do lists.

So with this in mind, in November 2023 we closed the doors to any new members and we have a had a really good think about how we can make our small business membership the best that it can be that serves both our current members growth and will support our new members in the most simple and effective way.

And that is where Foundations was born.

What is foundations at The Digital Circus?

In January 2024 the doors to The Digital Circus will be reopened for one week only for new members to join. Upon joining new members will of course continue to access all of the features and benefits from the full Digital Circus business membership but upon entry will join the six month foundations programme to kickstart their online visibility.

For six full months you will receive a dedicated foundations group session and dedicated support from both Alan and Emily to help you lay the best possible foundations that will set you up for online growth.

We will be covering your digital eco-system and helping you to not only understand how all of your digital assets work together harmoniously, but the actions you need to take to get them working better for you.

Like everything within The Digital Circus we are not talking high level. We don’t just want to tell you what and why to do it, we want to give you the HOW too. There is enough confusing and conflicting information out there on the Internet, you can be rest assured that you will get clear actions and will come away feeling confident in how you can move your business forward.

The other clear benefit of this new approach to joining the Circus is that our cohort based approach will help build you a network of likeminded people who are all on a similar page to you. Add to this the fact that for six months you will have a core group of champions there to help support you as you grow and to collaborate with.

Who is The Digital Circus for?

The Digital Circus Foundations is for small business owners who are tired of trying to get their business online without getting the results they want.

If you are a small business owner who is working on their online business visibility strategy in house we want to work with you to get it working better for you.

We are a virtual support blanket for entrepreneurs who want to remove the overwhelm of marketing their business and mastering the tech and would like a little bit of support to get things moving in the right direction.

The Digital Circus | Yellow Tuxedo | digital visibility

Why is the foundations programme six months?

Chances are that if you are reading this page you have probably tried multiple programmes, groups, courses and quick fixes to get yourself visible. And we’re going to put it out there that nothing has quite worked for you previously. 

You cannot expect things to happen overnight with your online visibility and if you are trying to build a sustainable long term business you need to get those foundation stones right. What you build on top of that is completely up to you.

We want you to succeed and we want you to do the actions that you scribble down in your notebook. If we add too much to your todo list you’ll get overwhelmed and you won’t take action. 

We also want the things we teach you over the course of these six months together to become muscle memory. We want them to fit in your daily/ weekly/ monthly workflow and that means habit building.

Not only that, this is a real opportunity to get to know your fellow Circus performers and to build some quality relationships as you all grow your business together. 

Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day!

What do we teach?

First and foremost, being a member of The Digital Circus you will learn how to make your online visibility work for you. We’re big about business on your terms but we also recognise that to grow your business you need to underpin it with black and white technical skills.

We will teach you how to remove the overwhelm and to understand which actions you take to grow you business online should be prioritised over other whilst growing your online ecosystem.

We will show you how to use macro content to ensure that you are front and centre when your customers are ready to find you.

We will also show you the in’s and outs of how you can use social media the right way to effectively build and leverage your audience using the four c’s of community, conversation, connection and content.

What is included in this small business community? 

When you join The Digital Circus foundations in January 2024 you will benefit from a LIVE 90min monthly group call with us working through a specific foundation stone for your business. Each month you will come away with clear actions to implement in your business and we will be setting monthly accountability tasks to make sure you are staying on track.

On top of your foundations session you will also have full access to all of the other live sessions available to all members throughout the month. This includes a start of the month planning and accountability cal, Q&A sessions, co-working sessions and a dedicated learning session designed to stretch you with your online visibility goals.

You are welcome to join in on as many calls as you want throughout the month but we really do suggest that you commit to joining the foundations call live if you can so that you are able to ask real time questions and benefit from the consistency of taking small actions.

As well as our LIVE calls all members have full access to our training library and can also opt in to our monthly member matchups if you enjoy networking.

How do you access The Digital Circus community?

Our community space is hosted on Heartbeat which means you can benefit from accessing your full membership suite both from your desktop or via the mobile app.

How much does the membership cost?

The Digital Circus is £39 per month or £395 per year. There is no additional cost to be a part of the six month foundations programme but we do recommend that you stick with the programme for at least six months to start seeing the benefit.

How can you get involved?

The doors to The Digital Circus membership will be opening for one week only in January. With this in mind we are asking for anyone who is currently interested in joining us in the January cohort to add themselves to our Waitlist. When more information is due to be sent out the people on this list will be the first to know and will be first in line to sign up when doors open.


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