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November 2, 2022

5 things you can do to maximise your opportunity as a podcast guest.

This week Alan had an opportunity to be interviewed as a podcast guest for Newtons Nuggets hosted by Paul and Jesse. It was a really fun hour with some great conversation. We’re going to be sharing lots about it over the coming week on our socials to make sure we can help get eyes on the episode, but it got us thinking, how can you maximise your own opportunities if and when you have the chance to guest on someone else’s podcast. Here are five simple things that you can be doing as a minimum. These are by no means exhaustive!

Create a Spotify playlist

Spotify is the worlds biggest music and podcast streaming platform with 422 million people using the platform at least once a month.

If your marketing strategy involves guesting on other peoples podcasts then why on earth would you not create a Spotify playlist of the podcasts you have featured on? Not only are Spotify playlists searchable but they are a great thing to share out to your audience as part of your content strategy. What a great way to show your brand authority by showcasing your back catalogue of interviews with other industry professionals!

Create a YouTube playlist

Something we have discussed long and hard here at Yellow Tuxedo is the rise of the video podcast. It really is the top of the tree when creating macro content. More and more creators are utilising video first and then extracting the audio to upload to their preferred podcasting platforms. With this in mind, much like with Spotify playlists, why not create a podcast playlist on your YouTube channel with all of the episodes that you have been a podcast guest on. Its great social proof for anyone trying to validate you and your business.


Create social media content

Before, during and after the event, you SHOULD be utilising the power of social media always. Being a guest on someone else’s podcast gives you a plethora of content opportunities both formally and informally on stories and on more curated posts. Social media is all about the power of community and by sharing other peoples podcasts you are tapping into a brand new audience who may not know you yet.

Blog about being a podcast guest

As a bare minimum you should absolutely be blogging about your podcasting opportunities. Not only is it a great way of creating long form, optimised content based on the themes and topics introduced within your discussions but it is a great way of tapping into keywords that you may not have used before. It is always a great way of creating links with your collaborators.

Share it with your email community

At Yellow Tuxedo we always talk about the holy trinity of digital visibility. 

  1. A macro content platform.
  2. Your favourite social media platform.
  3. Your email list.

Email is powerful. It is a way of connecting with a whole host of people who have requested to hear from you. They are essentially a warm audience and with this in mind you should be talking to them.

So whether you share a direct link to the podcast you have featured on or whether you share a link to your blog post [ which you have written in point 4] you have a wealth of options to share more content with your audience.

Final thoughts...

Don’t forget being a podcast guest is an opportunity to really showcase you and your business. And yes, you want to take advantage of being put in front of your hosts audience. But this is a collaboration. You have a responsibility to help share out the episode as much as you can so that both of you can benefit as much as possible. The common goal is here is to get as many eyes or ears on the content and you owe it to yourself to get it working for you. 

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