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September 21, 2023

Why the daily commute had to stop- Richard Langdon on the small business podcast

How many times in your life have you been sat in an arduous daily commute wishing that you were anywhere but sat in the car? 

What goes down in Digital Circus LIFE this week?

In this interview, Radmin shares his experience of spending hours commuting daily for a job he didn't enjoy, leading him to seek self-employment. He discusses the importance of achieving a work-life balance and finding motivation when working alone. Radmin's journey into self-employment was driven by a desire for control over his destiny and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. He emphasises the significance of branding and the personal connection it brings to his business. Radmin also reflects on the idea of jumping jobs to gain diverse life experiences and higher pay scales. Ultimately, he really highlights the importance of finding joy and fun in your work to stay motivated and engaged.

Who the heck is Radmin?

Radmin, also known as Richard Langdon, is someone that everyone should take the time to get to know. He’s just so blimmin..well…RAD! He is the founder and “master” of the Radmin Universe!

Based in Weymouth, Dorset, Richard is not just your average PA. And in what has historically been seen as a very female dominated industry, Radmin is bucking the trend and stamping his own authority in the world of administration.

He’s not your average, corporate, suit wearing “professional” type PA. Instead he is the most relaxed, approachable and flexible dude you will ever come across who is utterly brilliant at getting the job done.

We dive a lot further into why Richard is so rad with his branding in this episode so be sure to listen out for that section!

Its totally fine to say that money is your main driver

Each week we ask our guests what it is exactly they are trying to achieve. Some people have talked about their business purpose, legacy, business growth. Richard unashamedly says that he is trying to make more money. 

And that in itself is TOTALLY refreshing. It’s 2023 and so many people seem to be scared of vocalising that fact! It doesn’t make you greedy or materialistic. Its a fact that money is a big factor in helping you to achieve your wider goals.

Wouldn’t we all like to feel that little bit more financially comfortable in our own lives?

Richard really is the most down to earth and relatable human and we loved every second of our interview together. We absolutely know you’re going to love it too. And as you’re here, let us know in the comments if you’ve managed to stop a daily commute that you hate…


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Find out more about Richard Langdon:


Instagram: @radmin_assist

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