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October 24, 2023

Starting a small business with less than £1k | Sophie Easton | Small business owner podcast

In a heartfelt conversation with Sophie, the owner of Outdoor Ceremonies, we dive into her inspiring journey of starting a small business with less than £1k, work-life balance, and her mission to create a one-stop shop for outdoor wedding ceremonies. Sophie's candid reflections offer a glimpse into the complexities of managing a business, family, and personal well-being. 

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From Ceremony Officiant to Business Owner

Sophie embarked on her entrepreneurial journey after realising that her office job in London was far from fulfilling. She decided to become a celebrant, specialising in personalised wedding ceremonies. Her experience soon led her to discover that many couples preferred outdoor weddings for their unique, non-traditional charm. Recognising the demand for outdoor ceremonies, Sophie founded

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

As an entrepreneur and mother, Sophie grapples with the elusive concept of work-life balance. She acknowledges that achieving the perfect balance is a continuous and evolving process. It's not a static destination but a dynamic journey. Sophie emphasises that happiness doesn't hinge on a specific work-life equilibrium; it's about being content with where you are in the moment.

The Path to Growth and Expansion

Sophie's vision for is to expand her team and create a comprehensive platform for outdoor weddings. She acknowledges the importance of focusing on user experience, a task made more manageable by collaborating with experts in web development and social media management.

Closing Thoughts

Sophie's journey serves as a reminder that success is not a one-size-fits-all destination. It's about finding contentment and embracing one's unique path. Her story resonates with those seeking a meaningful balance between family, work, and personal fulfillment. Sophie's advice is clear: be yourself, nurture your strengths, and find something you love doing.

Find out more about Sophie...




Sophie is a cherished member of The Digital Circus membership. A membership designed to support entrepreneurs just like her to achieve their goals and to be more visible online. Fancy joining Sophie and a whole host of other incredible business owners? Visit the Digital Circus page to find out more.

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