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June 7, 2023

Reviewing the Dual Wireless lavalier / lapel microphone for iPhone

We are constantly asked by our clients and colleagues what kind of microphone they should invest in when it comes to audio quality for their content. Our answer is always the same. Buy the best that you can afford as quality is key. And yes, there are the big dogs out there on the market with the likes of Rode and NTG, but what if the most you can afford is £20? Well with this in mind Alan went out and bought the Dual wireless cavalier/ lapel microphone for his iPhone and thought he would review it for you to see and hear for yourself.

The Dual Wireless cavalier/ lapel mic is available on Amazon and at the time of purchasing were £21.

Are they going to win any awards? Probably not.

Are they worth purchasing? Absolutely.

Watch this short six minute video filmed by Alan and our dangerous Ben as they talk through the pro's and cons of these microphones which includes a real life demonstration of them in action.

The Digital Circus | Yellow Tuxedo | digital visibility

Remember, audio quality is important however more importantly than that, so is just getting started with your content creation. If you need to get started, these microphones are a great entry point. Upgrade your kit as and when you can.

If you are stuck with your content creation are looking for some support and advice don't forget that is literally why we at Yellow Tuxedo exist! Book a virtual cuppa with us and we can work out what it is you need!

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