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November 8, 2023

Leaping into the unknown felt inevitable for Michelle Armitage- small business podcast

Michelle's transition from a corporate HR career to the world of interiors was a bold leap into the unknown. Feeling burnt out and realising that she wanted more from life as she approached her 50s, she decided to make a dramatic change. This change involved leaving her HR career, returning to education, selling her house, and moving to a different area. Michelle's decision wasn't motivated by bravery but rather a sense of inevitability. She describes the importance of taking risks and following your own instincts. Her story exemplifies the theme of 'winging it with style' and embracing uncertainty in pursuit of a more fulfilling life. 

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Embracing Change and the Concept of Retirement 

Michelle values change and variety in her life. She thrives on new experiences, learning, and challenges. Her career journey has been marked by her ability to transition into different roles and organisations, bringing fresh energy and ideas. She doesn't settle for staying the same over time and believes in the importance of staying dynamic. Michelle enjoys taking time for herself to recharge, such as traveling in her camper van or immersing herself in nature. Within the episode she emphasises that the concept of retirement is outdated, and people should continue doing what they love rather than stopping work because they reach a certain age. Retirement, to her, doesn't make sense when you enjoy what you're doing. She views it as a chance to lead the life you want, enjoying the freedom that comes with self-employment and pursuing your passions. 


Authoring a Book on Environmental Psychology and Interior Design

Michelle's journey into writing her book on environmental psychology and interior design began with her background in psychology and a desire to explore how individual differences in personality relate to the design of spaces. She noticed a gap in the field of interior design when it came to considering psychological aspects. Her interest led her to the field of environmental psychology, which studies people in their built and natural environments. While environmental psychology focused on topics like sustainability and dementia-friendly design, Michelle found a lack of research related to everyday living spaces and how they affect individuals. She decided to write her book to bridge this gap, drawing from existing research and her own insights. Michelle acknowledges that her work may not be strictly academic but is focused on practical and real-world applications. She's prepared for criticism as she establishes herself as a thought leader in her industry. 

Transitioning to Self-Employment in Interior Design

Michelle's transition to self-employment in the field of interior design was driven by her unique skill set and the challenges she faced in traditional employment. As a middle-aged professional with a diverse skill set, she found herself potentially overqualified for entry-level positions in design. Instead, she leveraged her network and combined her HR and interior design skills to create a niche where she helps companies problem-solve and collaborate with experts to achieve their design goals. When working with homeowners, Michelle offers a collaborative and coaching approach, rather than imposing her own designs. While Michelle is open to traditional employment, her passion for her work and her ability to create new and innovative service offerings naturally led her to self-employment. 

Find out more about Michelle Armitage



Michelle is a much loved member of The Digital Circus community. A membership designed for small business owners to shine the light firmly on their business and be seen. Fancy joining us? Doors reopen in January 2024 with our brand new foundations programme designed for all of our new members to spring into action with their online visibility. Want to join us? Then sign up to our The Digital Circus waitlist for more information

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