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November 8, 2023

From theatre to world domination: The journey to finding your voice with Jackie Goddard

In the world of self-expression and public speaking, there are those who aspire to achieve something extraordinary, something as audacious as "world domination." In this interview with Jackie Goddard, founder of Power to Speak, we explore the fascinating journey of a woman who set her sights on dominating the world, not through conquering nations, but by helping individuals find their voices and speak with confidence.

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The Bold Aspiration

Our interview began with a bold statement – she wants world domination. But not the kind that immediately springs to mind. Jackie's version of world domination is about becoming a world leader in public speaking and helping others gain the power to communicate effectively. It's a monumental goal, but one that challenges us to think beyond our comfort zones. After all, setting audacious goals is often the first step to achieving greatness.

Early Dreams and one teachers opinion…

Jackie's journey to this point has been shaped by her early dreams and the guidance she received along the way. She recalls a pivotal moment in her life when she was just 16. Her teacher questioned her desire to be an actor, advising her that she would live, breathe, and embrace the theatre if she truly wanted to pursue that path. Jackie's admission that she hadn't experienced much theatre in her upbringing led her to consider other options, eventually leading her to art college.

The Fashion Industry Detour

Following art college, Jackie ventured into the fashion industry. While it may have seemed like a promising career path, she soon realised it lacked the creativity and fulfillment she craved. The cutthroat nature of the fashion business left her dissatisfied. It's a reminder that sometimes, the path to finding our true calling isn't always straightforward.

A Serendipitous Entry into Theatre

Jackie's life took an unexpected turn when a friend from fashion college helped her secure a job dressing actors in the theatre. It was a serendipitous moment that marked the beginning of her true journey. The world of theatre resonated with her deeply, and she felt at home among the actors and the stage. She had the opportunity to work with renowned actors like Judy Dench, an experience that left a lasting impression. I mean, how many people can proclaim to see a star like Judy in their undies?!


The Transformational Moment

However, it wasn't until one particular incident that the pieces truly fell into place for Jackie. During a technical rehearsal, she witnessed actors performing an intimate scene on stage. Instead of embarrassment, she felt awe and admiration for their ability to immerse themselves in their characters. It was then that one actor, Toby Stevens, shared a valuable lesson: "If you don't believe what you're doing, the audience won't believe it either." This revelation became a turning point in Jackie's life, leading her to pursue her passion for acting.

Overcoming Adversity

Life presented another challenge as Jackie faced breast cancer at the age of 28. This adversity served as a stark reminder that life is too short to let opportunities pass by. With unwavering determination, she made the decision to follow her passion and enrolled in drama school at the age of 29.

The birth of Power To Speak

The path to entrepreneurship often begins with a moment of clarity. In this case, the transition from acting to teaching and finally to business ownership was triggered by the conditions of a global lockdown. It offered the chance to step back, reflect, and question the future.

Power to Speak wasn't solely a personal quest but a result of the desire to make a broader impact. Power to Speak was founded with a focus on enabling individuals to communicate effectively and powerfully. The coaching and public speaking skills acquired over the years found a new purpose. A turning point for Jackie occurred during an online coaching course. In a breakout room discussion the essence of "Power to Speak" was revealed. The realisation that the business's core purpose was to help people market themselves effectively and show up powerfully in the world crystallised and "Power to Speak" was born, driven by the mission to empower individuals to take centre stage and amplify their presence.


Jackie’s journey is a testament to the power of following one's dreams, no matter the obstacles. Her pursuit of world domination in the realm of public speaking is a reflection of her dedication to helping others find their voices and overcome their inhibitions. We can all draw inspiration from her story, understanding that our aspirations can be as grand as we dare to imagine. Jackie reminds us that by believing in ourselves, we can captivate and inspire others, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Find out more about Jackie.

Do you have an amazing story, an inspiring idea or an important message that you know the world needs to hear, but you’re afraid of speaking in public? Perhaps you feel daunted and overwhelmed by the task of creating the content.

Then perhaps you need a bit of Jackie Goddard in your life.

Power to speak has a range of coaching programmes both 1:1 and within a group environment designed to get you performance ready and excited about stepping in front of an audience to share your message.



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