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April 12, 2023

Don't under estimate the power of being a generalist.

Emily from Yellow Tuxedo looking panicked whilst holding a gin and tonic in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

What qualifies me to tell YOU what to do?

Absolutely bloody NUFFIN. 

Firstly, it’s not my place to tell you what to do. It’s my place to helpfully inform and inspire. It’s completely up to you what you do with that information!

I will never claim to be a specialist "expert". Neither would I ever claim to know everything there is to know about the industry in which I work. I wouldn’t be that arrogant. The world is changing far too rapidly for me to be the #1 expert. I am continuously learning daily.

And I know that there are people out there that know a lot more than I do about online presence. FACT.

On the other hand there are also people who know a lot less than me who are happy to wear the “expert” label with pride. Why? Because there is always going to be someone who doesn’t know the information you have in your head and they recognise that.

I happily call myself a generalist. A high end tech user I suppose. I have a really good understanding of how things work and I am good at learning information at pace. One of my super powers is it that when I don’t know something I go out and educate myself from quality sources and disseminate accordingly.

I'll give you an example...GA4

This time last year GA4 was totally alien to me. I found it really clunky and difficult to understand how it would ever overtake Universal analytics. Since then I have taken the time to study, to analyse and understand. I have gone through the Google analytics certification and given myself time and space to work it out. 

Am I a GA4 specialist? No. Will I be? Perhaps sometime. Do I know enough information for my clients to get started on the right path to success with GA4? Absolutely. I am confident that I can help make a difference to our clients.

So if I’m happy to say that I am NOT the all knowing expert then why should you choose to work with me over Mr Clever Clogs to my left who claims to know it best? 

Quite simply its about more than just your expert knowledge base. It’s about all of the other incredible stuff you bring to the party from that little place called the university of life.

I recently sat down and went right the way back to when I was at University to work out how I got from an under graduate to where I am now as the co-founder of Yellow Tuxedo. I sat with a pen and paper and I really thought about all of the skills I have developed over the last 20 or so years.

It’s always been a running joke between Alan Braithwaite and I that I went to WInchester University and got one of those “pointless generalist degrees” rather than qualifying in a specialist subject. Back in 2002 I did a BA in English combined with Media and film Studies. And lo and behold, I graduated and didn’t immediately run into a job in the media- I went and worked for Fat Face!!

But looking back at my degree now and how I can apply it to my time as a business owner it did teach me many MANY things.

What did my degree teach me?

It taught me about creative and critical thinking. It taught me about narrative and storytelling. It taught me about analysis, expression, argumentation and presentation. It taught me about social and political impact. It taught me about video production, media management, mixed types of media…. And the list goes on. They are all things that I discuss and utilise right now here in 2023 with Yellow Tuxedo.

So in a whistle stop tour of my colourful CV over the years what else have I developed that matters?

FatFace- Customer service, time management, objection handling, decision making, visual merchandising.

QE2 Activity Centre instructor for adults and children with disabilities- leadership, empathy, communication skills, group management.

English tutoring- adaptive teaching and learning styles, empathy, patience.

Victim support volunteering- support, empathy, resilience, confidence, confidentiality.

Forestry Commission- Project management, large scale budget management, marketing and communications, event management, community projects, building out public consultations, public events, procurement, staff management, objection handling, PR.

PHD research assistant and writing [Supporting a mature student with severe Dyslexia to complete their PHD]- patience, rapid learning, specialist writing skills. 

International expeditions and trips- Operations management, dealing with change, risk awareness and management, strategic planning, team leadership.

Baylily Bell Tents and The Outside Bride- staff management, marketing, operations, customer service, systems and process building, experience in franchising, experience in business sales and closure.

And that doesn’t even cover life, love, family and overcoming personal challenges that helps me to relate with our clients.

Final thoughts...

When I look back at this mere snapshot that I scribbled on a piece of paper I can start to actually see the true skills I can bring to the table.

Learning and development skills.

Empathy and Listening skills.

Pragmatism and organisation skills 

Life experience.

That can’t be replicated, it’s my experience and mine alone. It’s what makes me who I am. The subject matter, although of course relevant, is just a small part of what is important. Being able to communicate, to listen, to develop a helpful teaching and mentoring style, to get the very best results from our clients. That is what matters more.

And I can combine all of the above with the brand and culture we have created in Yellow Tuxedo. We are bold, we are brash, we are fun, we are lighthearted. But we are certainly qualified to take you and your business on an adventure thats for sure.

Working with us

When it comes to working with a business mentor it makes perfect sense to find someone who might be a generalist rather than a specialist. Especially someone who has experience in a wide range of fields who can empathise and understand your current challenges. Under our current Yellow Tuxedo service offering we offer a four month business mentoring package whereby we can work alongside you in a 1:1 capacity. We want to come along on the adventure with you and to support you as much as we can.

If working with a mentor is something that you would like to explore with us in a little more detail please do feel free to book a virtual cuppa with us and we can happily chat through your options.

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