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October 25, 2019

Digital PR - 05 - Your Legacy & PR [5 Themes]


Digital PR | Our last theme is all about Your Legacy & PR.

  • What’s youe take on digital PR?
  • What does PR mean to you? 
  • Are you in this for the long game or just to make some short term money?

Legacy – this is the long game. Our strategy is all about spreading you and your brand so far and wide across the online stratosphere, that it will be there for years to come, just continually growing and evolving and bringing you traffic. Remember, a Facebook post is gone pretty much within 24hrs, there are much better ways to get your business out there and growing. To the extent, that if you went on holiday for the week or slowed down, it will still be bringing traffic to your website.

Conventional PR is great, but what can you do for your own PR?

PR [Part 1] Part 1 is all about looking for opportunities both locally and nationally and both big and small. These are opportunities to get your brand out there and then benefit from the corresponding content. This can be anything from working with a local charity, to sponsoring a team, too visiting a trade show. The opportunities are truly endless. So find them, enjoy them and share the content out about them.

PR [Part 2] Part 2 is about what can find you! There are huge benefits to a maximised online presence. Who’s currently looking for what you do, do you know? Who knows! Part 2 is about that, it’s about putting all of our themes together, getting to the top of Google and seeing what [not just clients] comes your way.. After all, as you establish yourself as an authority in your industry, people will want to be involved with you.


This short video is to help bring Your Brand to life.

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