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February 8, 2022

Standing out with Al Fawcett from Infinite Pie Thinking

We all have our business heroes in life. For us that is Al Fawcett from Infinite Pie Thinking. We have known Al both professionally and personally for nearly 15years and he a shining example of achieving greatness by consistency.

Infinite Pie has a clear mission. To help people do stuff that matters, with people who count in places that inspire. And it rings true in every layer of how Al and Infinite Pie works.

I can definitely recommend putting The Infinite Pie Thinking podcast on your listen list if you haven't done so already. Within each episode he digs deep with his guests. He has remarkable conversations, with remarkable people from the business, sports and entertainment industries. They share their stories and perspective on their success and failures, the lessons they learned and the mindset required to continue to get better.

Yellow Tuxedo on The Infinite Pie Thinking Podcast

We were absolutely blown away when Al Fawcett asked us to be guests on the podcast. We have so many brilliant conversations "off the record" that on this occasion it just made sense to hit the record button and formalise the conversation to share with you all.

In this episode we obviously talk lots about standing out and what that means in practice for our clients, but we also go into depth about the origins of Yellow Tuxedo, why it was created and our guiding principles in business that have helped guide us to where we are today. We also take the opportunity to discuss how we work as a husband and wife team and explore why it works for us.

We are of course biased but we genuinely think that this is a great conversation and we do hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it with Al.

You can listen to the latest episode of the Infinite Pie Thinking Podcast here...

Find out more about more about Al Fawcett and Infinite Pie over on his website

P.S. Tickets for The Digital Circus LIVE 2022 go LIVE on Thursday 10th February 2022. We would love to see you there!

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