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In the world of self-expression and public speaking, there are those who aspire to achieve something extraordinary, something as audacious as "world domination." In this interview with Jackie Goddard, founder of Power to Speak, we explore the fascinating journey of a woman who set her sights on dominating the world, not through conquering nations, but by helping individuals find their voices and speak with confidence.

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The Bold Aspiration

Our interview began with a bold statement – she wants world domination. But not the kind that immediately springs to mind. Jackie's version of world domination is about becoming a world leader in public speaking and helping others gain the power to communicate effectively. It's a monumental goal, but one that challenges us to think beyond our comfort zones. After all, setting audacious goals is often the first step to achieving greatness.

Early Dreams and one teachers opinion…

Jackie's journey to this point has been shaped by her early dreams and the guidance she received along the way. She recalls a pivotal moment in her life when she was just 16. Her teacher questioned her desire to be an actor, advising her that she would live, breathe, and embrace the theatre if she truly wanted to pursue that path. Jackie's admission that she hadn't experienced much theatre in her upbringing led her to consider other options, eventually leading her to art college.

The Fashion Industry Detour

Following art college, Jackie ventured into the fashion industry. While it may have seemed like a promising career path, she soon realised it lacked the creativity and fulfillment she craved. The cutthroat nature of the fashion business left her dissatisfied. It's a reminder that sometimes, the path to finding our true calling isn't always straightforward.

A Serendipitous Entry into Theatre

Jackie's life took an unexpected turn when a friend from fashion college helped her secure a job dressing actors in the theatre. It was a serendipitous moment that marked the beginning of her true journey. The world of theatre resonated with her deeply, and she felt at home among the actors and the stage. She had the opportunity to work with renowned actors like Judy Dench, an experience that left a lasting impression. I mean, how many people can proclaim to see a star like Judy in their undies?!


The Transformational Moment

However, it wasn't until one particular incident that the pieces truly fell into place for Jackie. During a technical rehearsal, she witnessed actors performing an intimate scene on stage. Instead of embarrassment, she felt awe and admiration for their ability to immerse themselves in their characters. It was then that one actor, Toby Stevens, shared a valuable lesson: "If you don't believe what you're doing, the audience won't believe it either." This revelation became a turning point in Jackie's life, leading her to pursue her passion for acting.

Overcoming Adversity

Life presented another challenge as Jackie faced breast cancer at the age of 28. This adversity served as a stark reminder that life is too short to let opportunities pass by. With unwavering determination, she made the decision to follow her passion and enrolled in drama school at the age of 29.

The birth of Power To Speak

The path to entrepreneurship often begins with a moment of clarity. In this case, the transition from acting to teaching and finally to business ownership was triggered by the conditions of a global lockdown. It offered the chance to step back, reflect, and question the future.

Power to Speak wasn't solely a personal quest but a result of the desire to make a broader impact. Power to Speak was founded with a focus on enabling individuals to communicate effectively and powerfully. The coaching and public speaking skills acquired over the years found a new purpose. A turning point for Jackie occurred during an online coaching course. In a breakout room discussion the essence of "Power to Speak" was revealed. The realisation that the business's core purpose was to help people market themselves effectively and show up powerfully in the world crystallised and "Power to Speak" was born, driven by the mission to empower individuals to take centre stage and amplify their presence.


Jackie’s journey is a testament to the power of following one's dreams, no matter the obstacles. Her pursuit of world domination in the realm of public speaking is a reflection of her dedication to helping others find their voices and overcome their inhibitions. We can all draw inspiration from her story, understanding that our aspirations can be as grand as we dare to imagine. Jackie reminds us that by believing in ourselves, we can captivate and inspire others, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Find out more about Jackie.

Do you have an amazing story, an inspiring idea or an important message that you know the world needs to hear, but you’re afraid of speaking in public? Perhaps you feel daunted and overwhelmed by the task of creating the content.

Then perhaps you need a bit of Jackie Goddard in your life.

Power to speak has a range of coaching programmes both 1:1 and within a group environment designed to get you performance ready and excited about stepping in front of an audience to share your message.



YouTube channel-

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Michelle's transition from a corporate HR career to the world of interiors was a bold leap into the unknown. Feeling burnt out and realising that she wanted more from life as she approached her 50s, she decided to make a dramatic change. This change involved leaving her HR career, returning to education, selling her house, and moving to a different area. Michelle's decision wasn't motivated by bravery but rather a sense of inevitability. She describes the importance of taking risks and following your own instincts. Her story exemplifies the theme of 'winging it with style' and embracing uncertainty in pursuit of a more fulfilling life. 

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Embracing Change and the Concept of Retirement 

Michelle values change and variety in her life. She thrives on new experiences, learning, and challenges. Her career journey has been marked by her ability to transition into different roles and organisations, bringing fresh energy and ideas. She doesn't settle for staying the same over time and believes in the importance of staying dynamic. Michelle enjoys taking time for herself to recharge, such as traveling in her camper van or immersing herself in nature. Within the episode she emphasises that the concept of retirement is outdated, and people should continue doing what they love rather than stopping work because they reach a certain age. Retirement, to her, doesn't make sense when you enjoy what you're doing. She views it as a chance to lead the life you want, enjoying the freedom that comes with self-employment and pursuing your passions. 


Authoring a Book on Environmental Psychology and Interior Design

Michelle's journey into writing her book on environmental psychology and interior design began with her background in psychology and a desire to explore how individual differences in personality relate to the design of spaces. She noticed a gap in the field of interior design when it came to considering psychological aspects. Her interest led her to the field of environmental psychology, which studies people in their built and natural environments. While environmental psychology focused on topics like sustainability and dementia-friendly design, Michelle found a lack of research related to everyday living spaces and how they affect individuals. She decided to write her book to bridge this gap, drawing from existing research and her own insights. Michelle acknowledges that her work may not be strictly academic but is focused on practical and real-world applications. She's prepared for criticism as she establishes herself as a thought leader in her industry. 

Transitioning to Self-Employment in Interior Design

Michelle's transition to self-employment in the field of interior design was driven by her unique skill set and the challenges she faced in traditional employment. As a middle-aged professional with a diverse skill set, she found herself potentially overqualified for entry-level positions in design. Instead, she leveraged her network and combined her HR and interior design skills to create a niche where she helps companies problem-solve and collaborate with experts to achieve their design goals. When working with homeowners, Michelle offers a collaborative and coaching approach, rather than imposing her own designs. While Michelle is open to traditional employment, her passion for her work and her ability to create new and innovative service offerings naturally led her to self-employment. 

Find out more about Michelle Armitage



Michelle is a much loved member of The Digital Circus community. A membership designed for small business owners to shine the light firmly on their business and be seen. Fancy joining us? Doors reopen in January 2024 with our brand new foundations programme designed for all of our new members to spring into action with their online visibility. Want to join us? Then sign up to our The Digital Circus waitlist for more information

In a candid conversation with Laura, owner of Laura and Design, we delve into her entrepreneurial journey, work-life balance, and her dream of merging family adventures with business success. Laura's story is a testament to choosing the life you want and following your passion, all while embracing the challenges and joys of parenthood. Could you be a digital nomad with family?

Or LISTEN to the podcast on your preferred podcast platform via today!

From Graphic Design to Entrepreneurship

Laura's journey began with an artistic dream, as she pursued a career in graphic design after completing art college. However, her path took an unexpected turn when she met her husband, who ignited her passion for travel. They embarked on a backpacking adventure around Australia, marking the beginning of Laura's love for exploring new horizons.

The Transition to Entrepreneurship

Laura's transition from being employed to self-employed was not solely driven by motherhood, though it played a significant role. She had always dabbled in side hustles while working for others. However, the daunting prospect of dealing with childcare for her children pushed her to pursue her dream of entrepreneurship. She initially underestimated the diverse skills required to run a business, from sales and marketing to bookkeeping. Laura acknowledges the learning curve and the support available through online resources and fellow entrepreneurs.


The Importance of Passion

Laura's passion for branding led her to work with clients in the wedding industry, combining her love for weddings with her branding expertise. She emphasises that understanding and pursuing one's passion is key to achieving happiness and fulfillment in work. While Hollywood often portrays businesses rapidly achieving seven-figure turnovers, many entrepreneurs simply aim to make a decent income for a comfortable life.

Family-Centred Lifestyle

Laura's business is strategically built around taking school holidays off to embark on family adventures. She has been transparent with her clients about her absence during these holidays and often delivers project components before departing. Her ability to balance her professional commitments with family time showcases the importance of pursuing the lifestyle you desire.

Future Aspirations

Laura's focus is on achieving a comfortable lifestyle for her family while continuing to grow her business. She plans to go all in on her business after spending 18 Summers traveling with her kids. Her dedication and organisation have paved the way for her to explore the world while maintaining a thriving career.

Overcoming Personal Barriers

Laura shares her journey as an introvert and encourages others not to let self-doubt or fear hold them back. She believes that taking action, even when scared, is the key to achieving dreams. Laura's entrepreneurial journey has not only led to personal growth but has also forged connections with a supportive community which includes The Digital Circus!

Laura credits her involvement with the Digital Circus community for her positive experiences and co-working opportunities. This network has provided her with valuable friendships and professional growth, reinforcing the importance of community in an entrepreneurial journey.

Laura's story is an inspiring tale of pursuing one's passion, achieving work-life balance, and building a family-centred lifestyle. Her experiences remind us that the journey to success is unique for each person, and true fulfillment comes from embracing personal aspirations and creating a life aligned with one's desires.

Find out more about Laura...




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It's no secret that we're two of the worlds biggest fans of our good mate Ricky Locke. So when it came to recording his episode of The Digital Circus LIFE we were pretty excited. In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, the story of Ricky Locke stands out as a testament to the pursuit of a life filled with purpose and not following the expected journey based on what others think. This conversation with Ricky delves into his unique journey, his insatiable curiosity, and unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth at the same time as balancing that with a young family.

Breaking Free from a Small Village Mindset

Ricky's early life was marked by the influence of a small village mindset. Raised by supportive parents who emphasized the importance of school and employment, he was never discouraged but never encouraged to dream big. University seemed like an unattainable dream due to financial constraints. This upbringing set the stage for what could have been a small, comfortable life. Yet, Ricky always wanted more.


The Desire to Perform and Entertain

Ricky's desire to be on stage, to perform and entertain, was ignited at a young age. Ricky's passion for entertaining people was a fire that burned brightly within him. It was a desire to bring joy, wonder, and inspiration to audiences that became a driving force in his life.

Fearless Pursuit of Learning

One remarkable aspect of Ricky's journey is his constant pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. Unlike those who merely skim the surface of self-help books, Ricky embodies the principle of learning through implementation. He doesn't just read books or attend courses; he takes the lessons learned and puts them into practice, assessing their applicability in his life. He views life's experiences not as failures but as outcomes from which he can learn and grow. Fear is not part of his vocabulary, only a pathway to improvement.

Making a Difference on Stage

While Ricky's quest for a fulfilling life may not have a definitive endpoint, there is a common thread that ties all his endeavors together—making a difference on stage. Whether through a magic trick that evokes wonder or The Confident Club that reshapes people's beliefs, Ricky's desire to impact lives is a constant. The stage, whether physical or digital, is where he thrives, and the audience's response is the measure of his success.

Ricky literally blew our minds in this weeks interview and we are so happy to share the full episode with you below. He is on such a journey to find fulfillment, success and endless growth. His positivity is addictive and he is a great inspiration for anyone struggling to see their future path but wanting success.

Let us know what your takeaways are from this episode below...

To find out more about Ricky Locke...

Visit his website

The Confident Club-

Rickys Instagram-

In a heartfelt conversation with Sophie, the owner of Outdoor Ceremonies, we dive into her inspiring journey of starting a small business with less than £1k, work-life balance, and her mission to create a one-stop shop for outdoor wedding ceremonies. Sophie's candid reflections offer a glimpse into the complexities of managing a business, family, and personal well-being. 

Or LISTEN to the podcast on your preferred podcast platform via today!

From Ceremony Officiant to Business Owner

Sophie embarked on her entrepreneurial journey after realising that her office job in London was far from fulfilling. She decided to become a celebrant, specialising in personalised wedding ceremonies. Her experience soon led her to discover that many couples preferred outdoor weddings for their unique, non-traditional charm. Recognising the demand for outdoor ceremonies, Sophie founded

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

As an entrepreneur and mother, Sophie grapples with the elusive concept of work-life balance. She acknowledges that achieving the perfect balance is a continuous and evolving process. It's not a static destination but a dynamic journey. Sophie emphasises that happiness doesn't hinge on a specific work-life equilibrium; it's about being content with where you are in the moment.

The Path to Growth and Expansion

Sophie's vision for is to expand her team and create a comprehensive platform for outdoor weddings. She acknowledges the importance of focusing on user experience, a task made more manageable by collaborating with experts in web development and social media management.

Closing Thoughts

Sophie's journey serves as a reminder that success is not a one-size-fits-all destination. It's about finding contentment and embracing one's unique path. Her story resonates with those seeking a meaningful balance between family, work, and personal fulfillment. Sophie's advice is clear: be yourself, nurture your strengths, and find something you love doing.

Find out more about Sophie...




Sophie is a cherished member of The Digital Circus membership. A membership designed to support entrepreneurs just like her to achieve their goals and to be more visible online. Fancy joining Sophie and a whole host of other incredible business owners? Visit the Digital Circus page to find out more.

To turn a hobby into a job or not..that is the question. And a difficult decision Rebecca Alner is facing in this weeks small business podcast.

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In this weeks episode of Digital Circus LIFE- The small business podcast Rebecca from Wild Apple Designs discusses her desire to turn her passion of fine art into a full-time career and her transition toward that goal. She's driven by both business and personal objectives, including retiring early and even pursuing her passion for gardening!

Rebecca emphasised the importance of not compromising her love for helping people while achieving her own financial freedom. Throughout the interview Rebecca questions whether she should turn her art hobby into a full-fledged business. She acknowledges that her book design business will always be there, offering her opportunities to grow in various directions. 

She recounts her journey from her early days working in magazines to an in-house role at Oxford University Press and eventually establishing her own design company, Wild Apple Design. She is absolute living proof that hard work, networking, and dedication pays off when growing an established business with a small and focused team.  She also discusses the challenge of staff management and the benefits of staying as a smaller team versus a larger one.


This is a brilliant episode even if you just watch it for the animated discussion between Rebecca and Alan on the benefits of gardening post thirties!

Who is Rebecca?

Rebecca is the driving force between Wild Apple Design, an expert book design studio based in Dorset that specialises in designing for ELT and educational publishing. They also offer consultancy and project management making sure your project runs as smoothly as possible.

To find out more about Rebecca and Wild Apple Design..

Visit their website: 

Check out Rebecca on Linkedin:


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It takes real courage to recognise that you are working within a toxic work culture. It takes even more courage to stand up and say you're leaving it to go it alone. In todays episode of Digital Circus LIFE- The small Business podcast, We talk to Laura Bean about her incredible story.

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What did Laura talk about in this weeks episode?

Laura Bean's journey from working for a smaller organisation to a larger corporation and then transitioning back into freelancing as a content and copywriter is nothing short of inspiring.

In the corporate world, Laura often felt like a small cog in a massive machine, and the stress and anxiety began to take a toll on her. The culture in some larger companies can be brutal, and the rigid structures didn't align with her values.

So, after a brief but eye-opening stint in corporate life, she decided to go back to freelancing. Laura realised that she could survive on less than she thought, and the flexibility of freelancing allowed her to pursue her passions, like open water swimming and writing.

The Digital Circus | Yellow Tuxedo | digital visibility

Her journey also involved trying various roles, including event planning, marketing, and email marketing, which ultimately led her to discover her talent for writing. She dove into freelance writing, initially working for multiple clients and eventually focusing on what she was passionate about.

Laura's story is a testament to the importance of pursuing what brings you joy and finding the right balance between work and life. She's a living example of how following your passion and taking control of your career path can lead to a fulfilling and successful journey. Her journey is a reminder that each step, no matter how small, can lead to something greater.

Have you ever experienced a toxic work culture? How did it make you feel? Let us know in the blog comments

Find out more about Laura.

Laura is a content and copywriter working within the leisure and tourism industry. Find out more about Laura below…



Instagram: @creativelworld


And of course be sure to subscribe to Laura’s YouTube channel...

Are you interested in becoming a part of our The Digital Circus family? You can find out more here.

Julie Christie Clark, aka Juls, is the mastermind behind Branding by Juls and Designer in your pocket and at time of writing boasts a whopping 150,000 followers on TikTok. We were keen to find out about her TikTok success story.

What is going down in this episode of Digital Circus Life- The small business podcast?

In this episode Juls talks about how she poured her heart and soul into her business, investing in equipment and courses without taking a penny for herself for nearly two and a half years. Something that many of us can relate to!

But the journey to entrepreneurship was was not a simple one. As a single parent, Juls knew that sometimes you have to do things you might not want to do when you have other priorities and commitments. Her journey from employment to diving headfirst into entrepreneurship proves that when you set your sights on something, there's no turning back.

But here's the plot twist: Jules originally focused on providing design products to people, only to realise that she loved teaching them how to design for themselves. Juls started a social media account to help show people how to get the very best out of using canva for small business. It was this social media account that changed the games completely.

One day, an email changed everything for her, leading her down a different avenue than she ever expected. Her TikTok account was noticed by the team at Canva and they decided to fly her out to Sydney! 

It takes grit.

Jules' journey is a reminder that success often comes after hard work and determination, and sometimes you have to pivot to find your true passion. She started from scratch with just an Instagram account and a dream, and now she's living it.

Through the ups and downs, Jules has learned the value of perseverance and the importance of having a solid support system. So, remember, whether you're starting a business or pursuing your dreams, Juls’ story is proof that with grit, determination, and a dash of patience, you can achieve your goals. It's all part of life's thrilling circus! ????????????

Are you interested in becoming a part of our The Digital Circus family? You can find out more here.

Juls is a graphic designer specialising in Brand Strategy Design as well as being a Canva Creator and trainer.

Join her free canva community on Facebook here.

Find out more about Julie Christie-Clark


Instagram: @brandingbyjuls and @designerinyourpocket_juls

And obviously don't forget to check out her TikTok account that changed her life! What a TikTok success story!????

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How many times in your life have you been sat in an arduous daily commute wishing that you were anywhere but sat in the car? 

What goes down in Digital Circus LIFE this week?

In this interview, Radmin shares his experience of spending hours commuting daily for a job he didn't enjoy, leading him to seek self-employment. He discusses the importance of achieving a work-life balance and finding motivation when working alone. Radmin's journey into self-employment was driven by a desire for control over his destiny and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. He emphasises the significance of branding and the personal connection it brings to his business. Radmin also reflects on the idea of jumping jobs to gain diverse life experiences and higher pay scales. Ultimately, he really highlights the importance of finding joy and fun in your work to stay motivated and engaged.

Who the heck is Radmin?

Radmin, also known as Richard Langdon, is someone that everyone should take the time to get to know. He’s just so blimmin..well…RAD! He is the founder and “master” of the Radmin Universe!

Based in Weymouth, Dorset, Richard is not just your average PA. And in what has historically been seen as a very female dominated industry, Radmin is bucking the trend and stamping his own authority in the world of administration.

He’s not your average, corporate, suit wearing “professional” type PA. Instead he is the most relaxed, approachable and flexible dude you will ever come across who is utterly brilliant at getting the job done.

We dive a lot further into why Richard is so rad with his branding in this episode so be sure to listen out for that section!

Its totally fine to say that money is your main driver

Each week we ask our guests what it is exactly they are trying to achieve. Some people have talked about their business purpose, legacy, business growth. Richard unashamedly says that he is trying to make more money. 

And that in itself is TOTALLY refreshing. It’s 2023 and so many people seem to be scared of vocalising that fact! It doesn’t make you greedy or materialistic. Its a fact that money is a big factor in helping you to achieve your wider goals.

Wouldn’t we all like to feel that little bit more financially comfortable in our own lives?

Richard really is the most down to earth and relatable human and we loved every second of our interview together. We absolutely know you’re going to love it too. And as you’re here, let us know in the comments if you’ve managed to stop a daily commute that you hate…


Are you interested in becoming a part of our The Digital Circus family? You can find out more here.

Find out more about Richard Langdon:


Instagram: @radmin_assist

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Stop the press. Yes you heard right. As we sit here right now we're not going to be hosting The Digital Circus LIVE 2024. Drop the mic.

And rather than write a long and lengthy blog post telling you all of the reasons why we're not doing it, we thought that we would record a short video to explain.

For some of you this might come as a surprise. For some of you this might be a sad piece of information. For others of you reading you may not have even attended a Digital Circus LIVE event before [And you really should have as its an ACE event!!] but its the sensible decision at this moment in time.

HOWEVER...the virtual small business event of the year WILL be back. We absolutely promise you that. And when it does it will be even bigger and better than ever before. So make sure, if you haven't already, you sign up to the Yellow Tuxedo Times newsletter to be one of the first to know when it comes back. And of course in the meantime if you're not yet a member of The Digital Circus community you would be more than welcome to join us. It's got all of the fun and shenanigans of the virtual Big Top but with even more learning, collaborating and networking opportunities.

So for now, sit back and watch the video and as always if you have any questions or would like to leave a comment we would be happy to answer them!