Online visibility for fabulous humans like you...
Alan and Emily are amazing, very knowledgeable and a great help to any business who needs assistance with your digital presence. They make it a lot less stressful!

Tracy Wilmshurst
What we do.
We make online visibility far less scary than it needs to be. There are a few ways we can work together, click to find out more.
About us.
Hi we're Emily and Alan,the faces behind Yellow Tuxedo. We are jolly nice humans who can’t wait to get to know you and your business better.
The Digital Circus®
Born in 2020, our incredible community of small business owners is there for you to learn how to grow your businesses online visibilty for yourself in a supportive environment full of people who get it.
I’m very grateful to have Emily and Alan and this amazing group in my corner - it’s the perfect mix of expertise, encouragement, and energy to keep me motivated and moving forward!

Rachel MCkenna