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September 28, 2021

How to make cover art with Canva | Easy & Simple Cover Art

How to make cover art with Canva...

Yes, we know, you're busy! You're busy, we're busy and everyone's busy. That's why we always work with our clients to make their processes as simple as possible. We never want to introduce new things, we want to help them adjust their workflows to make their lives simpler and easier for them...

One of the bug bears we hear about regularly is social cover art creation. It takes ages! Do I outsource it! It's too complicated... So, we thought we'd share with our clients, The Digital Circus members and all of you how we make about 15 pieces of social cover art in roughly 10 minutes...

Yes, they're not award winning pieces of art and probably won't fit your nicely curated feeds, but cover art is arguably the most important thing for getting someone to click on your post and being able to make onboard, engaging and clickable art work, need not be complicated..

Click on the video below to see how we do it using Canva.

Thanks for reading and watching and do feel free to get in touch or follow us on our socials as we love to know who you are..

Have fun always..

Emily & Alan

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